Sunday, November 9, 2014

What I needed, when I needed it

It's well-known to me that I worry too much about things that don't matter and not enough about things that do matter. I believe the phenomenon is called "misplaced priorities." But the problem isn't so much what I worry about and moreover the fact that I tend to worry too much. It's ridiculous, and I often tell my mind to shut up, but sometimes I'll entertain a thought longer than I ought.

The other night I got off campus to walk around town. As usual, I was entertaining thoughts that probably could go ignored. But something happened that, if I'm to be completely honest, hadn't happened in months. I had a (legitimate) conversation with God. It wasn't long. Actually, of the 2-hour walk, only about 10-15 minutes was conversation (with the rest being silent). The conversation was rather simple, too. I was venting my frustrations and concerns, and God told me not to worry. 

But it was exactly what I needed.

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