Thursday, July 23, 2015

Reasons for Absence

I haven't posted anything since the end of May, and there are a couple reasons for this.

The first reason is that I've just been busy. Summer work in the I.T. department at the college has proven to be a plateful. My roommates and I were doing all sorts of fun stuff, and then something happened: their job got transferred to Kansas. Which means for the entire month of June, the house slowly transformed from the big, beautiful, open home that it was into a maze of boxes and wrapped-up furniture. So if I wasn't working, I was trying to track down a new apartment and possible roommates. After struggling to find a place, I finally settled on the right apartment (as I talked about in my last vlog: "don't rant and drive, kids") and started packing. Finally, on June 26th, I moved in.

Now I'm in the apartment and things seem to be finally settling down a little... Well, temporarily at least. The first guy to say he'd be my roommate isn't able to move in until mid-to-late-August, and he wanted to make sure we had someone take over my share of the lease if I leave in December. So, enter new roommate #2. He moved in the same day I did and said he had okay finances to get by. A week later, he told me that he was depending on a change in his work schedule to bring more finances in, and that it wasn't happening. Due to financial struggles, and the fact that he is not bound to a lease like I am, he was moving out at the end of next month to return to the dorms. However, things seemed to turn around and his work hours increased and thus, he was able to stay.

But, it's not all clouds and rain (even if the weather has been lately). My bedroom in the new apartment is rather spacious and has nice, thick padding under the carpet which means, in conjunction with my acoustic foam panels (which are now up on the walls), it's a pretty acoustically-friendly room. I've got my black sheet up on the wall, and my video booth is ready to go. I also just picked up a lovely little desk last night that is unfortunately too small to be able to use as my workstation, but will serve well as a study desk nonetheless. I'll just have to either find a wider desk to use as a workstation, or build one. And building one may be an option because...

I just started a new job! The employer is a local media group called Notionfront, and while the official job title is "IT Assistant," it is much more than that and I anticipate the probability of it being able to grow into something long-term, should I so desire (which means I no longer have to push to leave in December; that was a struggle in my mind from spring until now). Anyway, I've been doing freelance work with them lately and he decided to just hire me on as a part-time worker, with the promise that it can go full-time in the spring when my schedule opens up more (which also means pay raise). Lately I've been building them a vocal recording booth and the scrap pieces (four 1' x 4 ' plywood pieces) can be used to make a surface for a new workstation desk at home, if he'll let me keep them.

The other reason for my absence... I had started a series on living with depression, and ironically, I got depressed and just haven't really had the energy to start writing the next part. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with trying to figure out how I'm going to finish my internship, and all I want to do lately is be either outdoors, sleeping, or both. It's all the usual stress of life, but I've been learning that I don't handle stress very well (or maybe I do and just keep running up against my limit). Nonetheless, I feel it would be a little silly to start writing more about depression when I'm having a hard time just putting simple thoughts into writing; the usual dilemma of my mind racing faster than my fingers can react. Nonetheless, the existence of the first post of my "depression" series alone is enough to make me not want to write anymore because I don't know how to express myself well enough to help me understand myself, let alone help other people understand me. Maybe my over-thinking is my demise.

But, more vlogs should be coming (maybe, lol) and that excites me. There is something else coming up soon that excites me, but that's my own little secret. ;)

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